Services & Pricing


Whatever your application, you can get support from the beginning to the end of the process.

Picture for Final CTA Box
Dr. Leilane Barreto
You have questions or need a customized solution?
Let's talk!

(No strings attached.)

Consulting on sample presentation and data acquisition

One of the sources of error affecting the accuracy and precision of spectral analysis is associated with sample presentation. After adequate sample preparation, extreme attention must be paid to how the sample will be presented to the instrument, as this will impact the modeling results later.

Spectral data audit

You have already acquired some data and are not sure if you could manage it more efficiently? Or how to extract some more information from this?

Spectralytix can check your data and provide recommendations to optimize your data output.

Model development and validation

Once all the data has been collected, Spectralytix will be able to bring it together and develop robust and reliable predictive models that meet your needs.

Model update

To ensure that new sources of variation are included in the calibration database and that your prediction models still apply to the current data, the calibration model must be updated from time to time.

Picture for session About
Dr. Leilane Barreto

“Whatever your application, you can have support from the beginning to the end of the process. 

Let’s discuss it together and find a customized solution that meets your needs.

Get in touch for a free initial consulting – no strings attached.”

Let's chat, no strings attached:

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