Your Spectral Analysis Consulting Partner

Services & Pricing

Your options

First steps consulting

Consulting on sample presentation and data acquisition

Spectral data audit

Consulting on already existing spectral data with recommended future steps and improvements

Model development and validation

Calculation of robust and accurate prediction models

Model update

Make sure your prediction models still apply to your current data and optimize their performance

Why spectral analysis

The overall advantages of using spectral analysis is that
it offers a highly precise output, producing rapid data
analysis for better decision making.

why spectral analysis

Independently if the spectral area measured comprises NIR, multispectral or hyperspectral, companies can benefit from these technologies in different ways:

  • Little or no sample preparation required
  • Very low cost in comparison to equivalent lab methods
  • Non-destructive techniques
  • High levels of accuracy and precision
  • High measurement speed (typically few seconds per measurement) and throughput 
  • Simultaneous determination of several parameters possible from a single sample
  • No chemicals required, thus environmentally friendly
  • Easy to operate
  • Running costs can decrease by up to 90%
Picture for session About

“The enormous interest in spectroscopy is explained by its significant advantages over traditional methods. Spectralytix offers support for any NIRS or HS application, from the initial idea to robust measurement results that can be used in practice.“

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